
Tell World Leaders to Protect 30% of the Ocean by 2030

130,762 signatures. Let’s get to 150K

Shockingly, less than 3% of the ocean is fully protected.

This means overfishing, bottom trawling, and other destructive activities continue to wreak havoc on the ocean.

Scientists say we must protect at least 30% of the ocean by 2030 to stabilize our climate, stop wildlife exploitation, and secure an equitable, healthy future for life everywhere.

In December 2022, at COP15, world leaders finally committed to put this urgent initiative in place. Now it’s time to hold them to their promise. Commitments are nothing without action.

Campaign goals

30% by 2030

30% of the ocean is highly protected, with all habitats protected equally.

No destructive activities

No bottom trawling, industrial fishing, or mining within protected areas.

Equitable participation

Full participation of Indigenous peoples, local communities, and artisanal fisheries.

High Seas protection

A ratified High Seas Treaty to protect waters beyond national jurisdiction.

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Tynder K

the world’s ecosystem will only survive if negative human interference lessens and in order for human’s to survive we need a thriving ecosystem.

9 hours ago
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Nika R

If we have to sign a petition just to ask our leaders to care about the planet we have the responsibility to take care of and make it better than what…

9 hours ago
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Wallace E

This is essential to save oceanic biodiversity.

11 hours ago
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Marianne K

I cant think of anything more important than protecting the ocean and the environment for future generations. We have yo act before it’s too late.

11 hours ago
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Jada H

The health of our oceans is critical and directly correlated to the health of our planet. We need our oceans healthy and thriving in order for humanki…

12 hours ago
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Mrinali K

We only have one planet.

13 hours ago
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Gaynor O

we need to protect the eco system for future generations.

3 days ago
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Stacy G

the ocean has so much life that we haven’t even discovered yet. Without protection, many species of fish will die and upsst the entire ecosystem and…

3 days ago
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Erin M

the ocean supports all of us

6 days ago
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Nathalie L

stop il faut arreter de massacrer la planete et ces etre vivants stop on protege plante et laisse tranquille

1 week ago
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Annabel L

Not only does all life have intrinsic value, but we need organisms to thrive so we can thrive.

2 weeks ago
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Pamela R

All of the ocean should be protected.

3 weeks ago
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Amy G

Need to protect more than 30% of God's amazing ocean

3 weeks ago
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Steve P

Protect the Ocean

3 weeks ago
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Nichole D

Im living in CLOWN WORLD!!!! 30% and they can’t even commit to that!! Oh, I forget…My World, My choice

3 weeks ago
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kerry p

this is incredibly important!

3 weeks ago
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Monique L


3 weeks ago
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Orla M

I want a healthy, clean, beautfiul planet to live among in the future, and i want that for future generations. I want animals and entire marine ecosys…

3 weeks ago
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Holly B

its beautiful and the sea animals need a safe place to live. im an animal lover even though im terrified of sharks lol. even they need a place

3 weeks ago
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Molly F

I live in a coastal town on the Atlantic side And in the past 3 months there have been several And in the past 3 months there have been several whale…

3 weeks ago
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Lara Kate A

Save our oceans and beautiful majestic sea life. For the future.

3 weeks ago
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Melanie P

wir menschen sonst unser eigener ungergang sind. ozean bedeutet leben und sollte viel stärker geschützt werden

4 weeks ago
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Michele R

I want to protect marine life and to ensure future generations can enjoy them

1 month ago
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Cody Z

we need to pretect our precious waters

1 month ago
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Samantha V

i love earth

1 month ago
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