137,139 people are taking action
Only 2.9% of the ocean is officially safeguarded under “high protection.” In December 2022, at COP15, world leaders finally committed to protect 30% by 2030. Now it’s time to hold them to their promise.
137,139 people are taking action
Only 2.9% of the ocean is officially safeguarded under “high protection.” In December 2022, at COP15, world leaders finally committed to protect 30% by 2030. Now it’s time to hold them to their promise.
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Only One is a registered non-profit. Our mission is to restore ocean health and tackle the climate crisis in this generation.
We partner with organizations and experts in the field to help us achieve this mission.
The Ocean & Climate Platform is a collective of more than 100 members — research institutes, NGOs, aquariums, private sector, French institutions and international agencies, local authorities — working together in order to spread the following message: “a healthy ocean for a protected climate.” If the ocean is particularly vulnerable to climate change, it also is a source of mitigation and adaptation solutions. Through its role of interface between science and policy, the Ocean & Climate Platform fosters reflection and exchanges between the scientific community, civil society and policy-makers. Its ambition is to mobilize the largest number of actors for better consideration of the scientific message on the interactions between the ocean, climate and biodiversity by policy-makers and the general public.