
Urge France to Effectively Protect its Maritime Spaces

119,558 signatures. Let’s get to 130K
French Polynesia
New Caledonia
Ayzada А

Призвать Францию ​​эффективно защищать свои морские пространства

3 weeks ago
Arina K

i am signing because culture heritage must be protected and touched only for the purpose of improvement

1 month ago
Marcella Q

it's imperative that we do all we can to protect spaces & species from collapse or extinction!

2 months ago
Angela D

I am passionate about protecting the global environment for the good of all species, and the oceans are a massive and important part of this!

2 months ago
Chris d

short term gain vs. long term survival I know what I'm choosing. It's up to us all when is enough....enough???

2 months ago
Wendy C

It's time we all put Nature and our resources first, ahead of industry and ahead of money. You can't survive on money or industry if you don't have cl…

3 months ago
Sinclair C

simclair croft

3 months ago
Stephanie M

common sense says so

3 months ago
Krysten B

it’s one of the single most important things we could do now, for our future

4 months ago
Laura M

Weil in den Meeren je alles Leben begann

4 months ago
Elvire D

Nous n'héritons pas de la terre de nos ancêtres, nous l'empruntons à nos enfants. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

4 months ago

France got following E.U

5 months ago
Paul G

The ocean can be an enormous help with climate change and biodiversity loss, or it can make things worse. The choice is no choice. Please do this.

5 months ago
Eamon M

France makes enough money from tourism protect the seas and expand this.

5 months ago

The future of our seas and its biodiversity is crucial for mankind ! All of mankind will suffer from the distruction taking place in the greed of som…

5 months ago
Steve L

i am signing because the oceans are our lifeblood and without their full health we will die

5 months ago
Anessa B

Our oceans are so vital to our health as a species. Please do your part, France. Adopt the definition of a marine protected area according to the gl…

5 months ago
Linda K

We all need to do our part. That's all the different countries. If these places are not protected then they will be ruined and die out because of all…

5 months ago
Francis D

industry and modern society us cause irreparable damage to our seas and ocean's

6 months ago
Ellie B

it matters

6 months ago

maritime spaces must be protected

6 months ago
Tomasz G

let's develop the hydrogen industry

6 months ago
Jean L

simply in my heart I know it is the right thing to do. I love the ocean and everything that live in it.❤️Keep up the good fight.👏👏👏👏👏

6 months ago
Margaret C

For the future of our Planet

6 months ago
Jurga K

Please protect nature, care more about long term future, our kids future, prsent GDP its not us important as future of our kids... it matters to me

6 months ago
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