
Call on Ireland’s Government to Protect its Seas

62,241 signatures. Let’s get to 75K
Savannah R

I am signing because marine biodiversity is at its lowest of all time in every ocean around the world. Without action, EVERYONE will suffer the conseq…

4 days ago
Yolande D

ireland is a magic environment both on land and sea. please take care of your coastal water and land for the future generation. yolande derenesse

5 days ago
Little P

Because I care.

1 week ago
Alessia Z

seas are overexploited

1 week ago
Sierra J

i care

1 week ago
Kimberley B

i love this planet! she deserves better….

2 weeks ago
Susanna R

Because I care.

3 weeks ago
Aldiyar K


3 weeks ago
Ayzada А

Призываем правительство Ирландии защитить свои моря

3 weeks ago
Aidana Z

Because it destroys the ecosystem

3 weeks ago
Дарья 922929 К

я подписываю

3 weeks ago
Lelah B

we have no idea what we are doing there. we have decimated the land and the known ocean with our activities. we should not do this too.

3 weeks ago
cuore l

Я подписываюсь, потому что хочу спасти морских обитателей

3 weeks ago
Викси S

подписываю, что спасти зверюшек 🥺

4 weeks ago
Nika K

потому,что хочу обеспечить нашим друзьям благоприятную дизнь и улучшить экосистему страны

4 weeks ago
Nina R

I want to protect animals

1 month ago
Аяжан К

я подписываюсь, потому что в обязанности любого человека входит защита планеты Земля

1 month ago
Yuliia M

I want Ireland to protect beauty that is has while it is not too late

1 month ago
Arina N

дайте животным жить

1 month ago
Barrakyda D

Хочу чтобы животные жили

1 month ago
Janka J

what's more important than healthy, thriving seas. it's like with the bees. we need them to survive and keep this planet and its ecosystems in its bal…

1 month ago
Kevin G

my granddaughter loves these ❤️

1 month ago
Evelien K

We moeten nadenken over onze acties die een destructieve invloed hebben op onze planeet en de toekomst van volgende generaties.

1 month ago
Katia T

protéger la vie

1 month ago
Laura M

They absolutely need to get on board! Come on Ireland...get it together!

1 month ago
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