
Prevent the Reopening of Longline Fishing in the Maldives

31,505 signatures. Let’s get to 50K
Francis B

I care about our oceans and nature. We must ban non sustainable methods which will benefit nature and local small scale fisheries.

5 days ago
christine m

We need to stop this horrible fishing technique and do it now

6 days ago
Katharina R

If all the fishes in the ocean die, the ocean dies and then we die.

1 week ago
Gfggffv G

Я не хочу чтобы человечество разрушало богатую, морскую флору и фауну, а потом ныло что у них нечего нет и какой то вид вымирает. Мы цивилизованный лю…

1 week ago
Aisha S

I would hate to see marine life die and the shark population decrease

1 week ago
Alessia Z

there are vegan alternative to fish, we don’t need to eat other lifes

1 week ago
Maria K

its dangerous to our environment

1 week ago
Sierra J

i care

1 week ago

I live and want to see and continue swim in the beautiful sea!!!

1 week ago

I’m signing the petition to stop shark fishing because sharks play a vital role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems. Overfishing them disr…

1 week ago
Valerie F

Living in Florida,I have personally witnessed what lose fishinglines do the ocean wildlife. It is devastating to see birds,turtles and even Dolphins a…

2 weeks ago
Juanita K

i care about protecting all marine life. please do not reopen longline fishing in the Maldives

3 weeks ago
Nabeel S

this is going to be a disaster for the local, fauna and also tourism

3 weeks ago
Zamalyniks Z

Потому что люди совсем ебу дали, это как человеку руки отрезать и бросить его в лесу.

3 weeks ago
Susanna R

Because I care about the wellbeing of our Sea and its residents.

3 weeks ago
Taisiya T


3 weeks ago
Polina P

I don't want the ecosystem of the underwater world to collapse and many species of animals to die!!

3 weeks ago
Samantha M

this needs to stop

3 weeks ago
_stesha _

увидела кадры с ловлей акул и это ужасающе жестоко, это не должно существовать. человечество идет по неправильному пути продолжая это делать

3 weeks ago
Pablo S

its important

3 weeks ago
Venus H

I love a Planet

3 weeks ago
Irina S

I want to help sharks

4 weeks ago
Mariia K

I am signing this petition because I am against the mass industry harvesting of large waterfowl for food and entertainment. I worry about the future o…

1 month ago
Monomori M

I am signing because I love sharks very much. And I cannot imagine the ocean without them. Marine life needs protection.

1 month ago
Peter K

i am against long line fishing as its a destructive indiscriminate fishing practice with a large bi-carch putting sharks, rays and other vulnerable sp…

1 month ago
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