
Urge the EU Commission to Ban Destructive Fishing in Protected Waters

41,723 signatures. Let’s get to 50K
Bottom trawling is a destructive fishing practice that drags heavy nets across the ocean floor · Greenpeace
Dragged nets crush, tear up, and entangle delicate reefs, destroying natural habitats
The nets can accidentally trap turtles, dolphins, and other marine life, leaving them to die · Greenpeace
Bottom trawling gear is responsible for 93% of reported discards in the EU (1 million tonnes between 2015-2019) · Greenpeace
Low-impact fishing is more sustainable, but bottom trawlers exploit and deplete fish stocks, leaving little for local fishers
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Mary J

this is imporant to me

1 day ago
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Aundrea S

ti support ither sustainable way. out with the old way if making thi gs i to the new

2 days ago
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Joseph C

As a marine biologist, I’ve seen first hand how devastating exploitative fishing is. This ban would help to preserve Europe’s already fragile ecosyste…

2 days ago
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Lori M

Whales, seals, dolphins & all sea life gets tangled in the nets with a excruciating death.

3 days ago
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test t


3 days ago
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Laurie K

there are other ways ti catch fish

3 days ago
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Susan M

I am writing because i am appalled at the full-out assault on our oceans that is taking place.

4 days ago
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Suzanne V

I am signing because humans are Killing the Planet and All of its inhabitants!

4 days ago
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Darlene C

the animals should NOT be subject to Trash in the oceans!!

4 days ago
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Chris P

Destructive fishing should be banned, in general, so most definitely in protected waters!

4 days ago
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Louise H

the ocean wildlife is 100000000 x more important than human profits, we can also eat other things, we dont have to deplete EVERYTHING we touch

4 days ago
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Donna H

we need to orotect tge earth as we are the ines destroying it forever. we need accountable people in government to take action now!

4 days ago
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Jennifer K

i love our planet

4 days ago
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violet p

i stand against commercial fishing because its destroying our oceans

4 days ago
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Valerie F

oceanic wildlife are dying at a tremendous rate because of fishing gear and plastics in the water. This must stop!

4 days ago
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Ahnya H

I am signing because we as people need to reconstruct out values towards natural living, livestock, animals, and plants. Their effectiveness in giving…

4 days ago
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Jessica N

I Love Earth Mother and I Love water and I Love humanity

4 days ago
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Teresa A

because of the 1000s of humans rescuing sea creatures from netting

4 days ago
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Sandra S

i believe it’s everyone’s business and I’m glad to add my voice in this initiative

4 days ago
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Scott T

I am not asking for a ban on all fishing, just in protected waters. This will benefit everyone in the long run.

5 days ago
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Angela J

our marine life is so precious and vitally important for the sake of the future of our planet and indeed all of us.

6 days ago
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Stephanie F

There is no reason to fish, especially in protected waters.

6 days ago
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Joseph K

Destructive fishing is bad for the ecosystem there needs to be accountabilty.

6 days ago
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Jessica B

Is the destructive practice do not stop. Their will be no more fish.

1 week ago
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Greg B

we are tourists here, this is not ours to destroy

1 week ago
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