
Tell U.S. Leaders to Support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act

156,066 signatures. Let’s get to 200K
Every minute, a garbage truck’s worth of plastic enters the ocean — a rate that could triple by 2040.
Siobhan L

i feel like i have no control iver the pollution issues because evene if i try my best as an indivitual, the corporations and big businesses will stil…

1 week ago
Janill A

there is no planet B

1 week ago
Susanna R

Plastic is not fantastic anymore and we become smarter and more educated. We can do better than this.

3 weeks ago
Taisiya T


3 weeks ago
Nuria M

my future matters

1 month ago
Pia K


1 month ago
Patricia V

we oppose #plasticpollutionforprofit

1 month ago
zachery g

plastic is poison!!

1 month ago
Lindsey G

Without action, plastic pollution will only get worse. We need a plan to reduce and repair the damage that has already occurred

2 months ago
Kate W

plastic is poison

2 months ago
Dana U

there are way to many plastics in the world, its even in our blood streams. its pathetic and irresponsible that we've allowed this to happen, its agai…

2 months ago
Donna H

im tired of seeing dead lastic everywhere that can garm wildlife and us

2 months ago
Kathleen R

we are buried in plastic

2 months ago
Rick J

There is way to much plastic in or oceans and water ways and its time to do something about it!

2 months ago
Silvina F

I love this planet. It's our home....

3 months ago
Courtney C

We all know that plastic is unsustainable and dangerous to the health of our planet, wildlife, and us. Plastic doesn't magically disappear. It's in ou…

3 months ago
Wendi S

what other choice do we have? Where is all of this plastic going to go?

4 months ago
Pamela W

I am extremely worried about the overuse of plastics in everyday life and the huge negative impacts of plastic pollution on ocean environments and sea…

4 months ago
Nyla H

i want my planet to be heathy

4 months ago
trish r

Recycling is not working in our country to reduce plastic.We need more options.

4 months ago
Vincent F

we need to do every thing to save our planet plastics are one of the things killing all living beings

4 months ago
Tina A

As a “consumer”, I always choose the non-plastic option in packaging and products, i buy in bulk, bring my own contsiners and bags when i shop but it…

4 months ago
Riesa L

it bothers me with all the plastic bottles and other plastics to end up in our oceans.

4 months ago
Tisa W


4 months ago
Trisha V

I want a better, cleaner world for my children.

4 months ago
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