
Help Advance an Indigenous-Led Marine Sanctuary in California

19,548 signatures. Let’s get to 25K
The proposed area of the National Marine Sanctuary · Only One
The proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary has been on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) nomination list since 2013, but no further action has been taken · Robert Schwemmer / NOAA
Submerged Chumash villages and cultural heritage sites lie under the coastal waters and along the shoreline · Chris Burkard
Underwater towers of kelp provide food and shelter for thousands of fish, invertebrates, and marine mammal species · Claire Fackler / NOAA
California is the seventh largest source of fossil fuel in the U.S. · Guillaume Issaly
Mary Lou E

I believe in the Indigenous connection to the land.

3 days ago
Mary O

wildlife needs our protection

1 week ago
Julietta M

I am signing because marine wildlife deserves to have a home in every part of the world

1 week ago
Giselle I

love the world

1 week ago
Sierra J

i care

1 week ago
Susanna R

Because I care and Earth is my home, our home. And we should take care of it. It needs our help now more than ever.

3 weeks ago
Sunshine M

The California coastline needs a break from humans :-)

4 weeks ago
Nika K

потому,что хочу сделтаь наш общий дом чище и улучшить экосистему Земли

4 weeks ago
Liliia R

Я подписываю эту петицию потому что верю что до людей можно докричатся, и то что мы всеми силами, и всеми странами объеденимся чтобы спасти нашу приро…

1 month ago
Jan H

the world leaders have wasted so much time doing nothing on the environment and the climate so show the world you are serious in change for the better…

1 month ago
Nuria M

i am signing because it is important to 17.781 people

1 month ago
Susan R

it's the right thing to do.

1 month ago
Abbie B

We are losing marine species and habitats. We must protect those that remain.

1 month ago
Elise M

Protect marine life now.

1 month ago

there is still much that needs protection from the greed of humanity.

1 month ago
Jann G


2 months ago
Edward J

The ocean is home to the primary sources of nourishment for marine animals. If the imbalance continues, of course humanity will suffer.

2 months ago
Cornelia A

We need to protect and safe our world, otherwise the human race can not survive!

2 months ago
Joel H

Protecting our oceans is essential to protecting our planet, now and for future generations. Not only for humans; all ocean life forms are an essentia…

2 months ago
Michael W

all of the other living beings on this planet that us humans are killing and bullying into extinction despite that we know how wrong that we are when…

2 months ago
Melanie D

all the seas need protecting...they are of vast importance to the environment and protecting our planet!

2 months ago
Michelle B

all life without exception is precious and should be preserved

2 months ago
Chris H

All our Marine sanctuaries must be, just HAVE TO BE looked after and protected right across the world!

2 months ago
Mary O

there is no more time to save the planet

2 months ago

Healthy seas and oceans are crucial in fighting the climate crisis.

2 months ago
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