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Tell the US Environmental Protection Agency: Protect Communities from Petrochemical Pollution

2,247 comments sent. Let’s get to 2.5K
Pennsylvania, United States
Source: Chemical Sector Facilities. March 30, 2023. Provided by FracTracker Alliance on Data: US EPA.
Texas, United States
See what others are saying
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Alexandre C

I'm shocked at the immense harm petrochemical pollution has caused to communities living nearby. To tackle this, the final rule must include stricter…

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Ben W

TestTestTestTest TestTestTestTest

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Eva Marie H

I live in Sacramento where I work remotely as a report editor for a private investigation firm. I spend my free time hiking, backpacking, biking, read…

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Jane M

Dear EPA Please do your job. We're counting on you to protect us from greedy companies. My grandkids have to live in this world and you can help keep…

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Nicole L

I am a mother of two young children. The state of the environment and what their future will look like keeps me up at night. You have the power to beg…

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Ian W

Ian I live and work in Brooklyn ny, I’m a manufacturer. Its time to stop pollution! We all need to be accountable!

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Julia F

My name is Julia, and I'm a dental assistant in SWMO. I'm 28 with an 8 year old son, Elyjah. He is bright. My name is Julia, and I'm a dental assista…

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Frank R

I live in San Diego. I’m a Marine Corps veteran and electromechanical technician. I’m currently studying Physics at the University of California San D…

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John P

I live in Miami, Florida... I work in software tech. I was a chemical engineer for years, and I've see first-hand how extreme the toxic waste from ch…

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Rosie N

I live in England, working in animal rescue and rehabilitation. I have seen first hand what the damage we have done to our environment has caused, and…

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Tracy C

I live in New York I care about this because everyday we break a record for climate change and I’m sick of it

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Benedicte L

I am a student from Norway My grandmother has cancer and I think it is horrific that people have an increased risk of cancer because of where they li…

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Walt K

My name is Walt, i’m an actor based in Amsterdam My growing concern is for the fact of dehuminizing our extince to relie more and more on chemical su…

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Sharon B

I am a retired educator, who taught pre-school-high school for 37 years. I care about our environment because when all the air, land and water are…

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Renee B

I am a retiree in Iowa I implore you to take immediate action to address the ongoing issue of petrochemical pollution, which contributes to climate c…

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Cheryl Z

I am a retired citizen residing in Virginia. I implore you to take immediate action to stop polluting our air! This is effecting whole communities an…

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Juliana A

My name is Juliana and I’m a student at Pitman High School in turlock California, I live with my mom and brother. Pollution increases the risk of can…

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dylan s

My name is Darby and I live in Texas. I care about this because I'm young. At the rate we're at, I and many others won't get to live long enough to l…

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Hayley H

I live in Florida Pollution is causing global warming which has devastated our earth. Please save our planet for the next generation.

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Glenda J O

I live in Alexandria Kentucky near Cincinatti Ohio. Recently in Ohio we had a petrochemical spill from a train accident. Please protect our communiti…

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Erika T

I live in River Ridge, Louisiana. We have been impacted with strong chemical odors seeping into our homes. Cancer Alley is down river from us, sadly w…

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Cristine C

I live in Massachusetts, and am a registered nurse. I am stuck by the lack of integrity and compassion in our government, business and everyday life.…

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Clara M

My name is Clara and I’m a student in Nederland Colorado. I implore you to take immediate action to address the ongoing issue of petrochemical pollut…

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Catherine M

My name is Catherine Masiello. Im a breast cancer survivor and i live in NYC. I care about this as a breast cancer survivor with no family history o…

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Julianna R

My name is Julianna Richey, I’m a native Alabamian, 30, an artist and working as an office manager. We care for every reason— we’re all contracting m…

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