
Stop the Cruel Dolphin and Whale Hunts in the Faroe Islands

502,488 signatures. Let’s get to 515K
Update: On May 4, 2024, the first brutal slaughter of the year took place in the Faroe Islands, turning the harbor of the town of Klaksvik red with the blood of 40 pilot whales. Without action, this horrific, unethical practice will continue to kill thousands, with more gruesome hunts planned throughout the year. Only One is part of the #DontVisitFaroe movement — urging travelers to reconsider their trips to the Faroe Islands until the cruel Grindadráp hunt is stopped. Learn more and join the campaign by following @DontVisitFaroeIslands on social media and downloading assets to share from the Campaign Toolkit.

The Faroe Islands are known for their annual pilot whale hunt, a tradition called the Grindadráp or sometimes referred to as the Grind. The activity has been called into question by locals and health experts after decades of research have revealed the health consequences of consuming dolphin and pilot whale meat. Levels of carcinogens and toxins such as methylmercury and PCB have been rising within marine animals over the decades as a result of industrial pollution, leading to a number of health consequences including neurological and developmental damage.

Over 850 pilot whales were hunted last year alone, and since the turn of the century, more than 20,000 cetaceans — pilot whales, white-sided dolphins, and bottlenose dolphins — have been massacred off the Faroese shore.

Hunts are often prolonged and terror-inducing ordeals for these intelligent, social animals, where entire pods, including calves, are mercilessly butchered in the name of tradition. 

This campaign began in 2021, when an entire super pod of at least 1,428 white-sided dolphins was killed in a record hunt that even seasoned whalers have deemed unethical. The massive pod, as in all hunts, was driven onto the beach by a coordinated fleet of boats and jet skis to be killed one by one. Panicked dolphins, including pregnant females and calves, were traumatized over the course of several hours, in a hunt that reportedly spanned more than 45 kilometers.


We cannot allow these kinds of outdated practices to continue, as they diminish the ability of the ocean to support biodiversity, maintain ecological balance, and deliver vital ecosystem services. There is a limit to our ocean’s abundance, and we are getting dangerously close to it. Slaughtering thousands of dolphins and whales after allowing them to suffer crosses a line in the ethical treatment of our planet’s wildlife and threatens the reputation of a community that shares a deep-seated connection with the sea.

Add your voice to stop the reckless slaughter of dolphins and whales in the Faroe Islands.
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Jane G

Disgusting cruelty

1 week ago
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Laurena J

These animals are intelligent and important to the ocean’s echology!

1 week ago
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Veronique P

why why keep doing this. primitive, short sighted. so backward. shame on the gov. which allows this massacre.

1 week ago
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Reverend Ian G

the destruction our innovent wikdlife is both inhumane and shameful.

1 week ago
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Hildegard B

...... weil es sowas Grausames an so wundervollen, intelligenten Lebewesen nicht geben darf. Das ist barbarisch und widerwärtig..... und das nennt sic…

1 week ago
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Gerrie S

it is cruel and despicable

1 week ago
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Courtney C

Cetaceans are highly intelligent and social animals. Their society and familial structures are surprisingly much like our own. The tradition of whale…

3 weeks ago
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Robert L

This inevitably hurts the entire food chain in the ocean

1 month ago
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Diana L

Diana Lopatto

1 month ago
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Nan M

abusers of our fragile environment need limits and education and a replacement income.

1 month ago
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Jacqueline A

This is Disgusting!!!!!!! So, Illegal!!! i ‘ve signed other petitions to Stop this!!

1 month ago
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Mary H

outrageous unnecessary cruelty to intelligent mamals !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 month ago
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Janet B

this barbaric slaughter has to end ! if humans are to survive we need our oceans and inhabitants .

1 month ago
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Rhonda P

Practice is unnecessary.

1 month ago
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Sue C

I think that the people who do this have no intelligence . . . or FEELINGS!!! WISE UP FOLKS.

1 month ago
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Jenny W

this practice is extremely unethical & ridiculous to be continuing in this day & age when we're trying to teach appreciation & protection of the envir…

1 month ago
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Huyen P

Stop the Cruel Dolphin and Whale Hunts in the Faroe Islands

1 month ago
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vi p

stop cruelty

2 months ago
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Deirdre G

Disgusting and inhumane needs to be stopped!!

2 months ago
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Sophie L

I am signing because our planet already have had enough. We need to stop hurting other creatures.

2 months ago
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Ian O

I believe we can do better than this. Brutal!

2 months ago
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Riley L

I am signing because, although I believe a better future is possible for us, I do think we will need to fight for it. I feel that this movement is a s…

2 months ago
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Katrin M

This slaughter has to end.

2 months ago
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Alexandria V

This is barbaric and needs to end.

3 months ago
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Sandra M

this cruel and unnecessary radication of dolphin and pilot whales must stop

3 months ago
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