
Protect critically endangered species in the Eastern Tropical Pacific

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Industrial fishing operations frequently result in troubling amounts of “bycatch”—the catching of non-target species which are often discarded once injured or dead, or illegally landed and exported for profit · Shawn Heinrichs
In Costa Rica there are more than 40 species of sharks. Nearly half face the danger of imminent extinction · Shawn Heinrichs
Sharks are some of the most diversified and abundant top predators in the marine food web, and if you remove sharks, you threaten to damage the entire system · Shawn Heinrichs
In 2019 the global status of scalloped hammerheads was escalated from endangered to critically endangered on the IUCN Red List · Shawn Heinrichs
The “Proposed Marine Protected Area” based on scientific reports generated by MigraMar researchers. They are subject to change pending final technical reports. · Source for current marine protected area data: Marine Conservation Institute
A scalloped hammerhead shark hovers above a cleaning station near Darwin Island, part of the Galápagos archipelago · Shawn Heinrichs
Green sea turtles spend most of their lives in the open ocean, migrating between foraging grounds and nesting grounds, sometimes travelling thousands of miles · Cristina Mittermeier
The world’s largest fish, whale sharks are one among many iconic species found in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape · Shawn Heinrichs
Waved albatrosses dance and lovingly preen each other, performing ancient courtship rituals designed to find the perfect mate · Cristina Mittermeier
An impressive five major ocean currents converge in the ETP Seascape, bolstering the dispersal of corals, crustaceans, fishes, and many other creatures · Cristina Mittermeier
Marine iguanas are unique to the Galápagos Islands in the ETP Seascape, where they use their long claws to cling to the slippery rocks along the coast · Cristina Mittermeier
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sarah m
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Anna M
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aila b
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Ruth B
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Beatrice S
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Virginia F
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Roxette M
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Shannon-Rose J
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Kayla L
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Bailey J
1 year ago
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Gillian S
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Marianne Luise P
1 year ago
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Sian H
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Caren D
1 year ago
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Margaret A
1 year ago
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Amy J
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Xuma M
1 year ago
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Melanie K
1 year ago
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Mitja S
1 year ago
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David T
1 year ago
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