After two weeks of negotiations between more than 50 countries, the Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) ended last Friday without establishing a High Seas Treaty — once again leaving more than two-thirds of the global ocean unprotected. But important progress was also made, which the Only One community of supporters has helped push for. World leaders are closer than ever before to finalizing the treaty, and there’s reason to be optimistic that the next negotiation will be the last step in the nearly two-decades–long process. We can’t let up the pressure now, and we need you with us! Can you help build momentum for the coalition to protect the High Seas by sharing our petition with your network? We’re just shy of our goal of 75,000 signatures.
To stop biodiversity loss and mitigate climate change, international efforts need to focus on an overlooked, but powerful asset: the ocean.
The ocean covers 71% of the Earth and absorbs one-third of the carbon dioxide generated by human activities. From seagrass and seaweed to mangroves and megafauna, the ocean provides a range of natural resources to promote biodiversity and capture carbon. Yet, it receives a fraction of the focus and funding in global climate dialogues.