
Protect the Ocean by Supporting the High Seas Treaty

198,967 signatures. Let’s get to 225K

Update: On June 19th, 2023, global delegates formally adopted the High Seas treaty in New York. Once 60 countries have ratified the treaty, it will be entered into force and become international law.

Today, nearly half the planet is unprotected and vulnerable to exploitation.

This ocean area that lies outside of any country’s jurisdiction is known as the High Seas and covers over 60 percent of the ocean. This global commons is critical to the health of the entire ocean.

It is one of the largest reservoirs of biodiversity on the planet and is a crucial component in several of the Earth’s systems and cycles, providing a multitude of ecosystem services. Many species, such as whales, tunas, sharks, and turtles spend much of their lives traveling along the highways of the High Seas to feeding, spawning, and breeding grounds. 

The bottlenose dolphin is a common sight in coastal waters around the world, but it also maintains large populations offshore · Jorge Cervera Hauser
From the biggest and smallest marine species to humans all over the globe, all life depends on healthy High Seas now and into the future · Jorge Cervera Hauser

But despite its size and importance, only 1.2% of the High Seas have been protected, because it lacks clear rules to establish protected areas leaving its marine life vulnerable to exploitation.

Human-related threats include unsustainable and illegal fishing, shipping traffic, noise pollution, seabed mining, plastic and chemical pollution, and acidifying and warming waters as a result of the climate crisis.

Rare sea lions are among the tens of species at risk of being injured or killed by these huge driftnets · Howard Hall
Shawn Heinrichs
Howard Hall

Following nearly 20 years of discussions at the United Nations, governments are in the final stages of negotiating a new United Nations Treaty that would ensure the meaningful protection of ocean life found in this great global commons. This will be a key step towards moving the planet closer to the goal of protecting at least 30 percent of the ocean by 2030, the minimum level of protection scientists recommend for a healthy ocean.

Add your name to urge your government and other world leaders to take action and support a strong High Seas Treaty and help build momentum by sharing the campaign on Facebook and Twitter.
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Michelle L

We are taking more from our planet than we are giving back and killing entire ecosystems and ourselves. We need our oceans more that me know

2 weeks ago
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Courtney C

A healthy ocean is a healthy future for us and all the wildlife we share it with. We have an obligation to be stewards of our home. Let's do better an…

3 weeks ago
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Meena S

i want to help protect the High Seas and keep the Earth healthy!

3 weeks ago
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Kina C

Humans have a moral duty to protect this beautiful planet that sustains all life.

3 weeks ago
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Samuel S

the world lives off the waters, nothing will be left after the water is faltered

3 weeks ago
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Lori W

we are destroying our planet and we all need to help

3 weeks ago
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Rachel E

The ocean is more important than we know. There is no planet B.

3 weeks ago
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Daniel Hermand Daniel H

La pêche pour nourrir des fermes aquatiques ou pourr nourriture au vaches. Non

1 month ago
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Scott F

This is a critical step in ocean conservation.

1 month ago
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Géraldine M

Protégeons notre environnement et nos animaux avant tout

1 month ago
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Nan M

there is no planet B

1 month ago
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Amy G

protect all God's creatures a day waters, forests, land....

1 month ago
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Corinne L

j adore les dauphins

1 month ago
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Geneviève P

Je signe car il est VITAL de protéger les océans .

1 month ago
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marie jodé E

nous mangeons le poisson les crustacés qui eux a leur tour mangent ou filtre des cochonneries que nous hommes semons sur terre et qui par les infiltra…

2 months ago
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Lisa P

The high seas need protection because if their biodiversity and the important ecological role they play. This action for international cooperation is…

2 months ago
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Michael W

we all connected

2 months ago
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Christelle L

i love my planete

2 months ago
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Paddy C

Urgent action is needed to save our oceans and I am happy to be part of this petition to raise awareness of the unbelievable distruction happening out…

3 months ago
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Oana A

je signe parce qu’on doit sauver les oceans ainsi que ces animaux marins

3 months ago
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Anessa B

The ocean needs a representative to fight for them and I am one of them. Every human should be taught the importance of the ocean and it's roll in kee…

3 months ago
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cindy c

please protect our oceans and ocean life

3 months ago
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Christine U

This is exactly what we need!

3 months ago
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michael b

i believe we need to save the ocean

3 months ago
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Martin O


3 months ago
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