
Tell World Leaders to Support the Loss and Damage Fund

36,580 signatures. Let’s get to 100K
The climate crisis as seen from the frontlines in Belize, Niue, and Tuvalu. Watch more in our original film series: The Frontline.
Dr. S. M

I live in a G7/G20 country which is s leader in carbon emmisions.

10 hours ago
Julietta M

I am signing because damages like these both impacts the people and nature negatively

1 week ago
Sierra J

i care

1 week ago
Susanna R

Because The Sea is cruicial part of our eco system and our home Earth and it needs our help now more than ever.

3 weeks ago
Adina A


4 weeks ago
Tonii A

if people had to pay for the damage done there might be incentive to prevent the damage in the first place. the climate crisis is a horror beyond our…

1 month ago
Ms E

we need to look after and take care of each other!

1 month ago
Maria T

to prevent the small island’s is only one important action to safe this planet❣️❣️❣️

1 month ago
Janet G

corporations know what they did.. they should have tp pay to clean up their messes.

1 month ago
Anna E

we damaged this world, we must pay for the consequences and save it.

1 month ago
Jill M

somebody somewhere must take accountability The power is that be run rampant and the most demonic destructive evil way

1 month ago
Christine H

I live on this planet and I care about life. why doesn't everyone???

2 months ago
Fred W

I love the natural world and want my children's children to enjoy seeing, feeling, loving it. Fred A. Wilcox

2 months ago
Darilimar M

the reason for signing this petition today is because the people of the small island states home was destroyed by colonist ! and now they are the ones…

2 months ago
Cara W

Those in charge of resources need to do the right thing and take responsibility for the damage done. By financially supporting those who have suffered…

2 months ago
Libaponte A

I'm signing because I want to stop the coastal destruction that's happening all around the Island of Puerto Rico

2 months ago
Linda H

there is only one planet. For ALL people, animals and ecosystems.

2 months ago
Victor R

the environment and biodiversity must be preserved at all costs!

3 months ago
Cynthia W

No person on Earth should have to watch their home being slowly washed away and feel hopeless with nowhere to turn and no help or support.

3 months ago
Daniel J

I want to live in a world where people are treated well. anything else ia disgusting

3 months ago
Scott F

If the world leaders are pressured with a financial burden to fix the cracks that have been made, they will have to take action on the root causes and…

3 months ago
Gregory P

far too much damage has been done by the powerful and no reparations are being issued to the poor, who suffer the consequences.

3 months ago
Pamela R

Wake UP! We are on yhe brink of disaster and there needs to be sn abrupt halt to the abhorrent practices contributing to the demise of this fragile sp…

4 months ago
Nan M

we need planet justice

4 months ago
Adele S

The whole world deserves a nice treatment, not only my own country

4 months ago
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