
Stop Overfishing in Canada

70,640 signatures. Let’s get to 80K
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Emelia B

You can tell these guys havent watched Nemo….cmon guys: “fish are friends, NOT food”-to be unethically sourced and insanely depleted (becoming critic…

1 year ago
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Whitney L

We need to initiate a change. In MULTIPLE aspects regarding animal wildlife and iur enviroment. This is one small way to help.

1 year ago
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Dr Kathryn M

I am concerned about building and maintaining a healthy ocean biosphere. Over fishing interrupts a natural cycle by depleting a vital source in this…

1 year ago
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Jocelyn E

I op

1 year ago
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Sara U

please slow it down - we’re killing life

1 year ago
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Rebecca A

our oceans arent healthy

1 year ago
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Eileen H

overfishing will fataly change and destroy the ecosystem. the fishes can't reproduse, starvation of the bigger pray and overabundant of smaller specie…

1 year ago
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Chigozie A


1 year ago
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Gabrielle H

We need to protect our ocean biodiversity.

1 year ago
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Melina S

humans take to much

1 year ago
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Kate D

we need to protect our oceans and wildlife.

1 year ago
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Pati M

I care!!

1 year ago
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Boadichea O

i am signing because these need to be signed to helo save our planet.

1 year ago
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Aaliyah H

overfishing is wrong and inconsiderate to the sea life that lives on this earth with us!! humans need to stop being so selfish!! greed is the sin that…

1 year ago
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Camilo C

i am signing because there are more options to provide food for everybody, and destroy our environments never is an option.

1 year ago
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Ella L

This is wrong and something needs to be done.

1 year ago
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Rajveer R

i love penguins.i think that they are one of the cutest species that exists.

1 year ago
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Veronika S

i dont want to hurt animals who are getting in nets for no reason

1 year ago
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Omar R

its not fair to cause a species to extinction for money

1 year ago
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Jamil G

because i love fish not to eat simply because i love how they are our distance relatives

1 year ago
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Adam V

Overfishing is severely unsustainable and will eventually lead to ecosystem collapse.

1 year ago
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Lauren B

Animals are an essential part of the earth's ecosystem. We will destroy the planet if we kill everything on it.

1 year ago
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Alison T

i love sea life

1 year ago
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Karlia B

I am signing because I believe we must stop the human greed and rape of our planets natural resources for the future health of all living species.

1 year ago
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Lucy R

we need balance for health and happiness for all life

1 year ago
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