
Hold Manufacturers in New York Accountable for Their Pollution: Pass Bills A10184 and A10185

15,572 signatures. Let’s get to 20K
Garbage sits on a beach in Long Island. Volunteer communities in the Long Island Sound cleaned up over 110,000 pounds of marine debris over an 8 year span–a testament to the astounding amount of waste that finds its way into New York’s tributaries and major bodies of water · Brian Yurasits
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Werner K

Der Verursacher dieses Problems haftet dafür, also ziehen wir ihn auch zur Rechenschaft.

1 year ago
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Barry M

Producers and consumers should share in responsible management of their products

1 year ago
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Cyrus C

Plastic alternatives need to happen!

1 year ago
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Teo A


1 year ago
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Elise H

We've put blame on consumers for too long.

1 year ago
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Joan W

because most plastic can't be easily recycled for one thing.

1 year ago
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Joy S

this is our duty as children of mother earth and mother mature. wake up people. before its too late, cause this behavior is past ugly.

1 year ago
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Khlor T

we need to stop

1 year ago
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Dan F

Put the real price on items is the best way to cut waste

1 year ago
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PhaatLadyStephens S

this should have been the case 30 years ago let alone now. lots to fix. extinct means extinct and this is choking the environment plus they can afford…

1 year ago
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Fabian T

I am Satan.

1 year ago
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Mikayla O

responsibility and accountability is the biggest step to change.

1 year ago
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Ray T


1 year ago
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Becca S

NEW YORK is the richest city in the world and can AFFORD alternatives to stop this. They were notorious for dumping from barges for years with NO SHAM…

1 year ago
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Hugo 4

this is not possible that pollution !

1 year ago
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Sara U

Stop the incredible greed of plastic producers and users.

1 year ago
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Lindsey M

The pollution is detrimental to the huge earth, an must be stopped.

1 year ago
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Kárin K

we need to take care of our planet and all creatures here on earth

1 year ago
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Tipu S

There is no excuse for plastic production of limited recyclable Products. Despite not being a headline, I personally think this is among the top most…

1 year ago
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Michèle B

I'm signing because manufacturers are BIG polluters and need to pay for the pollution they produce!

1 year ago
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Emma G


1 year ago
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Alex E

this needs to be addressed.

1 year ago
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Tanya C


1 year ago
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John K

Do what is right for a change!

1 year ago
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Lucy Q

I am signing because if we DONT decide to make a change to save our environment, there wont be much of a human population over the next few generation…

1 year ago
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