
Help Stop the Shark Fin Trade in Europe

180,504 signatures. Let’s get to 200K

Update: More than 1.1 million people have voiced their support for a shark fin trade ban in the EU as part of the Stop Finning — Stop the Trade movement. In response, policymakers launched an impact assessment with a public comment period that ended on June 4, 2024. Over 3,400 people around the world — including many of you — made their voices heard. As the Commission considers crucial regulatory changes to protect vulnerable shark species, stay tuned for updates on next steps.

Add your name to the official letter to end the shark fin trade. We are urging decision-makers in the European Commission, Council, Parliament and national governments of the EU, to stop this horrific trade.

For decades, the shark fin trade has been the leading cause of the overfishing of sharks. Many countries, including Canada, the UK, and the United States, have taken the necessary steps to end their participation in the trade — but the European Union still lags behind.

The European shark fin trade is the single largest supplier of shark fins to the Asian fin markets, contributing 45% of the total fins in the global trade. Shark populations have declined by 70% in the High Seas in the last 50 years and the shark fin trade is a key contributor.

“Stop Finning — Stop the Trade” is a movement that has been underway to ask the leaders to take action against the trade of shark fins. More than 1.1 million EU citizens have signed, reaching the threshold required for the European Commission to respond.

We can’t let up the pressure now. Join us in urging the European Commission and Parliament, and national government representatives, to finally end the EU’s enablement of the shark fin trade.

Today, a third of all shark and ray species are already threatened by extinction due to unregulated commercial fisheries. Despite conclusive scientific proof to the contrary, the industrial fishing lobby continues to spread misinformation, claiming that shark populations are stable and that their overexploitation of sharks is sustainable.

As a global community, we cannot stand by and watch as the ocean’s biodiversity is irreparably destroyed. Pacific Island Nations, the US, Canada and the UK have taken action and banned the trade of shark fins. We now call on Europe to act.

Add your name to the letter to demand a #FinBanNow.

Click here to view the official letter.

Alexia M

sharks are friends, not food

1 day ago
Kathy W


2 days ago
Mary C

Mary Coughllin

3 days ago
Mark O

sharks are an apex predator. Without them the balance of nature gets thrown off. Animals over populate and then starve if the slowest and weakest are…

5 days ago
Taelor C

I thought it was illegal anyway but it's also immoral and destroying an ecosystem that has thrived for millions of years

6 days ago
Kelly C

it sickens me to think anyone would cut off any creatures means of movement

1 week ago
Dee D

sharks will become extinct

1 week ago
Ariel P

this is a pointless trade

1 week ago
Amy. F

its horrifying that they still do yhis crap i thought thiswas illegal already

1 week ago
Donna S

Donna stem

2 weeks ago

Christina Scianna This is a barbarak practice i mean himan have bevome so gluteness dont we have enough to eat how would you like if aliens came her a…

2 weeks ago
Tina C

until the trading stops the slaughter will continue

3 weeks ago
Jane R

there is no need for this barbaric action to take place. humans do not have the right to do this

3 weeks ago
Heather D

this is disgusting

3 weeks ago
Fernando R

Cruel. and. Brutal. what. Faroe. Island's Fishermen. are. doing. to. Man's. Best Friend". (Dolphins). and. Whales ! STOP. THEM. NOW ! A. Call. to.…

3 weeks ago
Chrystall M

estoy firmando porque seré bióloga Marina en el futuro y los tiburones son mi animal favorito, ellos NO merecen este tipo de daños.

4 weeks ago
sandra c


1 month ago
Dagmar E

it's cruel !

1 month ago
Ann B

We must protect wildlife before it is too late!

1 month ago
Ayzada А

Помогите остановить торговлю акульими плавниками в Европе

1 month ago

это ужасно! тем более те самые плавники очень вредные для человеческого организма

1 month ago
Sébastien D

i love and know them.

2 months ago
Vera p

this is very negatively impactful to our marine environments

2 months ago
Katarina B

I fully disagree with shark fin trade

2 months ago
Toxeitova A

Please leave nature alone

2 months ago
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