
Help Stop the Shark Fin Trade in Europe

164,406 signatures. Let’s get to 180K

Update: More than 1.1 million people voiced their support for a shark fin ban in the European Union. In response, EU policy makers have announced an important next step — an impact assessment with a call for public comments. Submit your opinion through the official questionnaire by June 4, 2024, and review the guide from StopFinningEU for more information and easy steps on how to make your voice heard.

Add your name to the official letter to end the shark fin trade. We are urging decision-makers in the European Commission, Council, Parliament and national governments of the EU, to stop this horrific trade.

For decades, the shark fin trade has been the leading cause of the overfishing of sharks. Many countries, including Canada, the UK, and the United States, have taken the necessary steps to end their participation in the trade — but the European Union still lags behind.

The European shark fin trade is the single largest supplier of shark fins to the Asian fin markets, contributing 45% of the total fins in the global trade. Shark populations have declined by 70% in the High Seas in the last 50 years and the shark fin trade is a key contributor.

“Stop Finning — Stop the Trade” is a movement that has been underway to ask the leaders to take action against the trade of shark fins. More than 1.1 million EU citizens have signed, reaching the threshold required for the European Commission to respond.

We can’t let up the pressure now. Join us in urging the European Commission and Parliament, and national government representatives, to finally end the EU’s enablement of the shark fin trade.

Today, a third of all shark and ray species are already threatened by extinction due to unregulated commercial fisheries. Despite conclusive scientific proof to the contrary, the industrial fishing lobby continues to spread misinformation, claiming that shark populations are stable and that their overexploitation of sharks is sustainable.

As a global community, we cannot stand by and watch as the ocean’s biodiversity is irreparably destroyed. Pacific Island Nations, the US, Canada and the UK have taken action and banned the trade of shark fins. We now call on Europe to act.

Add your name to the letter to demand a #FinBanNow.

Click here to view the official letter.

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Leah T

I am signing because if people keep doing this, there won't even be sharks left and that will ruin the ocean food chain.

1 week ago
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Carol S

Sharks are amazing creatures, as apex predators they help to keep the oceanic environment healthy. These animals deserve the love and respect generall…

1 week ago
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Ellen H

it's the right thing to do

1 week ago
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Ann C

Really...........do you need to slurp shark fin soup? Get a life and save a life!

1 week ago
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bronwen a

this is barbaric and cruel

1 week ago
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Courtney C

Sharks are highly misunderstood animals that deserve our respect. Catching a shark just to cut off its fins and throw it back in the water is inhumane…

3 weeks ago
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Angela G

i care about animal welfare!

4 weeks ago
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Febriana P

killing animal now it will kill you next day

4 weeks ago
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Shaun A

this is an atrocity and unbelievable that it still exists.

4 weeks ago
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Victoria S

i am human and i love my planet

4 weeks ago
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Scott F

Sharks are a precious species that are being overfished. Let's not repeat a story of extinction that has happened too many times to count.

1 month ago
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Diana S

It is a barbaric thing

1 month ago
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Pamela R

This barbaric tragedy MUST STOP NOW! Considered a delicacy... it's a waste of vital lives to suit the sick palates of the ignorant wealthy. ENOUGH is…

1 month ago
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Nan M

the shark is a keystone species

1 month ago
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Edward M

this slaughter is purely to provide an unnecessary food source for already well fed people - stop it!

1 month ago
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Wiet V

It’s disgustingly painful to see this still exists in our backyard.

1 month ago
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Nikki M

humans are dangerous to sharks. not the other way around .

1 month ago
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Jul L

it is an absolutely horrific practice. Sharks feel pain too!!!😡

1 month ago
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Anthony S

It's cruel

1 month ago
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William F

Overfishing and poaching Is part of the biggest problem in the world right now

1 month ago
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Christine M

This is appalling and absolutely disgusting. There is no place for this barbaric practice in the 21st century. Shame on us for allowing it to continue…

2 months ago
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Karen Y

this is disgusting waste of a species.

2 months ago
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Sophie H

Sharks are a keystone species, the are incredibly important to the health of Ocean ecosystems, and killing them cause’s serious harm. It is also dange…

2 months ago
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Riani M

it is the RIGHT thing to do!

2 months ago
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Reilly P

I love sharks

2 months ago
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