
Help Stop the Shark Fin Trade in Europe

176,655 signatures. Let’s get to 200K
Ayzada А

Помогите остановить торговлю акульими плавниками в Европе

3 weeks ago

это ужасно! тем более те самые плавники очень вредные для человеческого организма

4 weeks ago
Sébastien D

i love and know them.

1 month ago
Vera p

this is very negatively impactful to our marine environments

1 month ago
Katarina B

I fully disagree with shark fin trade

1 month ago
Toxeitova A

Please leave nature alone

1 month ago
Alexis h

since i was a little girl my biggest dream was to be a marine biology specifically working with sharks to protect them.

1 month ago
Daniel M

because we must protect the top predators in our ocean to keep in balance and healthy because without sharks the whole ocean ecosystem will collapse.

1 month ago
Ava W

i love sharks and they need to be protected they are needee in the ocean ecosystem

1 month ago
sydney m

sharks are my favorite animal. They are a beautiful species and they keep the ocean food web balanced. They do so much for the environment and called…

2 months ago
Laura H

what they are diing is discussing

2 months ago
Belle R

im signing because humans are ruining the planet and i want it to stop we shouldnt be kling millions of innocent. animals for their fins

2 months ago
Helen K

This is a cruel and inhumane practise. Many shark species are already endangered. As the oceans’ apex predators we cannot afford to lose them, thereby…

2 months ago
Leah T

I am signing because if people keep doing this, there won't even be sharks left and that will ruin the ocean food chain.

2 months ago
Carol S

Sharks are amazing creatures, as apex predators they help to keep the oceanic environment healthy. These animals deserve the love and respect generall…

2 months ago
Ellen H

it's the right thing to do

2 months ago
Ann C

Really...........do you need to slurp shark fin soup? Get a life and save a life!

2 months ago
bronwen a

this is barbaric and cruel

2 months ago
Courtney C

Sharks are highly misunderstood animals that deserve our respect. Catching a shark just to cut off its fins and throw it back in the water is inhumane…

3 months ago
Angela G

i care about animal welfare!

3 months ago
Febriana P

killing animal now it will kill you next day

3 months ago
Shaun A

this is an atrocity and unbelievable that it still exists.

3 months ago
Victoria S

i am human and i love my planet

3 months ago
Scott F

Sharks are a precious species that are being overfished. Let's not repeat a story of extinction that has happened too many times to count.

3 months ago
Diana S

It is a barbaric thing

4 months ago
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