The third Global Plastics Treaty negotiations are underway

Trevor Jones
Trevor Jones

Image ยฉ William Bradberry

The third round of UN Global Plastics Treaty negotiations are currently underway in Nairobi!

First, the good news: Thanks to the tireless work of activists like you, the policies being debated by delegates have the potential to be robust and impactful. Some of the most promising areas include options to progressively reduce plastic production, eliminate toxic chemicals, and phase out short-lived and avoidable plastics.

Now for the bad news: There are still a LOT of places in the treaty language with โ€œeither/orโ€ options that include weak policies. 

In many cases, world leaders are still deciding whether or not the worldโ€™s biggest polluters will be held legally accountable for the waste theyโ€™ll produce โ€” or whether they can continue to operate without real accountability. We canโ€™t allow that to happen.

This is where you come in. We urgently need your help to put as much pressure as possible on the delegates attending these consequential negotiations. Can you join the more than 200,000 people who have added their names to our petition demanding a strong Global Plastics Treaty?


Trevor Jones

Senior Manager of Campaigns

Someone who loves to be both surrounded by people and isolated in nature, Trevor values the dualities within each of us and hopes to leave the world a better place than he found it.

New York, United States

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