Planting superpowered ocean trees in Mida Creek, Kenya

In honor of Giving Tuesday 2022, our Million Mangrove Challenge will fund coastal communities in Kenya to plant 1,000,000 trees in Mida Creek.

Image © Eden Reforestation Projects

Key facts

  • Only One has launched the Million Mangrove Challenge to fund coastal communities in Kenya to restore the forest to health in Mida Creek, together with our on-the-ground partner Eden Reforestation Projects.

  • The project reforests coastal habitats, provides local employment and stakeholdership, and tackles the climate crisis by locking carbon in the soil below mangrove roots.

  • Lying within a UNESCO biosphere reserve, Mida Creek is made up of 693 hectares of coastline-adjacent land and characterized by tidal mudflats, coral reefs, seagrass beds, and, of course, mangrove trees!

  • The ocean forest in Mida Creek supports no fewer than 65 migratory bird species — including lesser and greater sand plovers, dimorphic egrets, roseate terns, and curlew sandpipers — as well as two endangered turtle species.

You can help fund the planting of this forest by taking part in our Million Mangrove Challenge fundraiser in honor of Giving Tuesday 2022.

How the project works


Eden Reforestation Projects connects with a community and creates relationships with local leaders who want their environment to thrive.


The local community guides Eden Reforestation Projects to planting opportunities, builds citizens’ commitment to reforestation, and creatively overcomes restoration obstacles.


Eden Reforestation Projects uses its Employ to Plant methodology, providing economic incentives and simple planting techniques to help the community restore its local environment and economy.

Become a member of Only One today to fund Eden Reforestation Projects’ work and take direct action to save the planet — planting your own ocean forests and coral reefs, and removing plastic and carbon pollution.

Project impact

All projects on Only One help save the ocean and fix the climate, and 100% of our members’ funds always go to impact. You can learn more and see proof of our 100% model on our Transparency page. Keep reading to discover how our “Planting superpowered ocean trees in Kenya” project is having a positive effect.

Biodiversity and ecosystems

The mangrove restoration site, Mida Creek, is around 140 kilometers north of Mombasa, the second largest city in Kenya. Together with the Arabuko-Sokoke forest, it forms a UNESCO biosphere reserve. Mida Creek comprises 696 hectares of ocean-adjacent land in total, of which 400 are a plantable area for mangrove forest. Characterized by tidal mudflats and coral reefs, Mida Creek is home to an impressive 11 seagrass species and 22 kinds of seaweed, woven in amongst 9 mangrove tree species.

Large-scale mangrove deforestation in Mida Creek results from land clearance for salt production, fuelwood, charcoal, and prawns. Because of this, wild fisheries are in decline, and soil erosion threatens coastlines. Through planting native ocean trees, local Eden Reforestation Projects employees are restoring the forest back to health.

Timothy K

Wildlife protection

The ocean forest in Mida Creek supports no fewer than 65 migratory bird species — including lesser and greater sand plovers, dimorphic egrets, roseate terns, and curlew sandpipers — which come from as far away as Europe. The endangered green turtle and critically endangered hawksbill turtle rely on Mida Creek’s mangrove lagoons for shelter and to nurse their young. Part of the surrounding national park is recognized as an Important Marine Mammal Area (IMMA) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), with animals as diverse as humpback whales and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins taking up residence. Our project in partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects to plant superpowered ocean trees in Mida Creek will make the entire marine ecosystem healthier for all this wildlife.

Yellow-billed stork in Mida Creek · Marius Dobilas

Community development

At the heart of Eden Reforestation Projects’ work is building relationships with local communities to inspire great commitment to tree planting in their country and a sense of ownership to protect their forests long term. Eden Reforestation Projects keeps its systems simple so they can be easily replicated and used by people with limited resources. Across Kenya, over 670 employees are empowered with fair wages.

Mattia Photography

Mangrove species

The mangrove species being planted in Mida Creek are native to Kenya. This is vital to the success of the project, as restoration programs can be unsuccessful due to incorrect species matching. You can learn more about how we ensure all on-the-ground mangrove planting projects supported by Only One are committed to long-term forest health in our Help Center 🙌

Sven Loeffler

Sustainable Development Goals

By supporting the “Planting superpowered ocean trees in Mida Creek, Kenya” project, Only One members’ funds go toward these 10 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Project reporting

Eden Reforestation Projects will send Only One an annual report on how the mangrove planting project is progressing. New photos of the tree planting site will be shared approximately every six months, so anyone who funds the planting of this forest by taking part in our Million Mangrove Challenge will see their impact come to life as their mangroves grow! The number of employment days provided will be reported, and once planting has been completed, Eden Reforestation Projects will document the site using drone and/or ground photography, embedding GPS coordinates.

Latest photos

Eden Reforestation Projects
Eden Reforestation Projects
Eden Reforestation Projects
Eden Reforestation Projects
Eden Reforestation Projects
Eden Reforestation Projects
Eden Reforestation Projects
Eden Reforestation Projects
Eden Reforestation Projects
Eden Reforestation Projects

More about our mangrove planting partner

Eden Reforestation Projects works with local communities to restore forests on a massive scale, creating jobs, protecting ecosystems, and helping reverse climate change. Today, they operate in 11 countries and maintain planting levels even when faced with civic unrest, extreme weather, or wild animals. As Eden Reforestation Projects’ local employees restore the forest canopy, leaf litter, water, and wildlife return, and nature begins to heal. At the same time, communities facing extreme poverty have new opportunities for economic self-sufficiency, improved health, and education. Eden Reforestation Projects continues to scale and is on track to go from planting nearly a million trees per day to more than a billion trees per month!

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100% of funds go to projects