Toxic waters / Danni Washington

Danni Washington

The pervasive poisoning of our world’s waters not only draws parallels to the toxicity of systemic racism — both further one another. An ocean explorer and the first Black woman to host a science series on television, Danni Washington wants you to know that there is no remedying one without the other.

Danni Washington

Image © Michael James Fox

Michael James Fox
In a way, it feels like karma has finally caught up with us: the planet is reminding us that we are the ones ultimately responsible for deciding the fate of our future existence.
Michael James Fox

Danni Washington

TV Personality, Science Communicator, Ocean Explorer

A whirlwind of charisma, science smarts, and ocean advocacy, Danni is blazing a trail in the SciComm field. Danni is the first African American woman to host her own science television series.



Atmos is an exploration of climate and culture, a nonprofit biannual magazine and digital platform curated by a global ecosystem of artists, activists, and writers devoted to ecological and social justice, creative storytelling, and re-enchantment with the natural world.