Speaking out for the unheard voices in the fishing community

Anupa Asokan

The fishing organizations who have vehemently opposed the Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act due to its recommendation that we protect 30% of U.S. waters by 2030 do not represent the voice of the collective fishing community. They represent short-sighted and parochial interests of the people who look like them. Fisherwoman and marine scientist Anupa Asokan explains why.

Anupa Asokan

Image © Photo: John Suhar

No, I’m not buying a gift for my boyfriend, dad, or brother—and yes, I can handle my own boat and bait my own hook, thank you.
On 3 October 2020, Anupa paddle boarded 27 miles across Santa Monica Bay to raise awareness for the ocean · Photo: John Suhar
With many things shut down in 2020, Anupa found herself paddling a lot more than usual. After a few 10+ mile adventures, she thought why not turn this into something positive · Photo: John Suhar
Anupa’s paddle has raised more than $10,000 to support Surfrider’s work protecting the ocean and coasts
Anupa is speaking out for all the people who are “fishermen” yet don’t look like those represented by all the fishing organizations who have vehemently opposed the Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act
Protected places, informed by science and thoughtfully chosen, help preserve key ecosystems and give the intricate web of species that call them home a fighting chance at recovery and resilience in the face of climate change.
Anupa grew up in Florida and came to love the ocean by spending weekends fishing with her dad on the Gulf Coast · Photo of Gulf Breeze, Florida by Aaron Burden
Unheard voices in the collective fishing community need to be amplified and elevated or we will drown.

Anupa Asokan

Fisherwoman & marine scientist

Anupa Asokan is a fisherwoman and marine scientist who grew up on Florida’s Gulf Coast and now resides in California. Anupa has worked in marine science and policy for over 10 years and believes sustainable business solutions will help drive positive change for the ocean. Anupa’s early connection to the ocean drove her passion for ocean science and conservation and she believes access for everyone is paramount to protecting the ocean and coasts for future generations. Join Anupa in supporting the movement to protect 30% of the ocean by 2030 and sign the petition at weareoneocean.org

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