
Stop the Deadly Buildout of DG Fuels and Air Products in Louisiana

20,603 signatures. Let’s get to 25K
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Olia M

its toxic for everyone and everything

1 month ago
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Scott B

Our future generations world wide will need to breath...and our pollution will kill millions more as time goes on. It's time for the developed nations…

1 month ago
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Daphne P

I care about the egregious greed and misuse of LA resources with no regard for the devastating consequences.

1 month ago
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Lynn G

we are killing our planet

2 months ago
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Ivy H

I want us all to have healthy air. And to have a stable, healthy planet.

2 months ago
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K. E. S. M

This vital measure is so long overdue it is ridiculously absurd every responsible legislator hasn’t demanded immediate passage and enforcement. Pass t…

2 months ago
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Etain F

Global emissions are deeply concerning and people and wildlife need to be heard.

2 months ago
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Dr Catherine A

This earth is our only option and it is beautiful and precious.

2 months ago
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Sharon B

we do not have tge capacity or capability to get recycle all plastic so we need to get with it and look for solution that work business must get on bo…

2 months ago
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William B

Cancer Alley - need we say more!

2 months ago
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Maria S

Let's move on to cleaner industry and tackle climate change

2 months ago
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Caoimhe M

I believe this us utterly wrong and we deserve change .

2 months ago
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Jannelle T

I believe that everyone has the obligation to do business in a way that is safe for everyone! Those that live areound the lace of business have as mu…

2 months ago
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Alexis M

we have failed to protect our planet causing us to fail ourselves

2 months ago
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April G

It says were curbing toxic air pollution for the first time in 30 yrs. Then in the next sentence the industry wants to put in more toxic plants in Lou…

2 months ago
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Cynthia G

I have asthma.

3 months ago
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Yenssi R

i believe in this cause and it’s beneficial

4 months ago
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Joshua H

We all care about our families and your kids and grandkids. Protecting the waters is essential their livelihood. Some people think that it won't effec…

6 months ago
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Mari P

to get clener and a Helfer earth and live

6 months ago
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Joshua H

I work in the environmental cleanup field and am actively cleaning up Superfund project along the Tennessee and Mississippi Rivers. If we are going to…

6 months ago
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Izabela F

it is a desperately needed change

6 months ago
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Joseph K

pollution is a real life problem

6 months ago
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Betty W

I care.

6 months ago
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sarah F

enough with large powerful companies with no social conscience destroying the atmosphere globe out of greed with no thought for others and future gene…

7 months ago
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Ti’ahja J

I’m signing because I want to save the little life of humanity we have because those people deserve the chance to live a good lifestyle and be happy.…

7 months ago
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