Provinsi Konservasi / The jewel in the crown of biodiversity

John Weller

In 2015, West Papua declared the world’s first conservation province. There’s so much we can celebrate about and learn from this visionary legislation rooted in ancient wisdom.

John Weller

Image © John Weller

West Papua’s waters harbor rich biodiversity, including giant manta rays · John Weller
In the margins between the land and sea, the world’s greatest mangrove forest rises up from the shallow bays.
The West Papuan rainforest is one of the largest forests in the world still intact · John Weller
Ridge to reef, West Papua is the vital crown jewel of biodiversity.
“Hidden in the understory, exquisite aliens—the birds of paradise—meticulously maintain secret dance floors, transforming themselves into near fictional creatures in the throes of their passion.” · John Weller
From dawn to dusk, West Papua shows it role as a vast center of nature and life on Earth · John Weller
Haji was talking urgently, leaning into his story, emphasizing again and again that the future health of his small community depends on conserving the marine ecosystem.
More than a thousand years ago, the people of West Papua developed sustainable conservation practices for their natural resources · John Weller
“Sasi,” said Tahir Arfan, “is a vow that we make to the sea, a vow that we make to the land.”
A man from West Papua hollows out a tree in the rainforest · John Weller
The Guardians of Raja Ampat film and concert tour traveled to towns and villages across West Papua · Shawn Heinrichs
The entire community cheered as they raised a large sign into place — a map declaring the new Fam Islands MPA, the eighth marine protected area in Raja Ampat, yet another “vow to the sea.”
The communities of the Fam Islands raise a sign in recognition of the new protected area · Shawn Heinrichs
West Papua’s Provinsi Konservasi legislations mandates that all industry be sustainable, including fishing · John Weller
The solutions being devised will affect not only West Papua, but our global community. This visionary legislation, rooted in ancient wisdom, is a blueprint for the future.

John Weller

Photographer, Writer, Filmmaker, Senior Fellow of Only One

An acclaimed photographer, filmmaker, and writer, John has worked in defense of the ocean for nearly 20 years. He helped lead the global campaign to secure the world’s largest marine protected area in the Ross Sea, Antarctica.
