
Stop the Cruel Dolphin and Whale Hunts in the Faroe Islands

503,063 signatures. Let’s get to 515K
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Majella H

this practise is barbaric and unnessescary.innescent beautiful whales and dolphins butchered for what?it needs to end.leave wildlife alone.

1 week ago
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Helen D

i want our planet to become pristine again. i love our home. but we humans are destroying it. ill do what i can thru only one. peace to our home and e…

1 week ago
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Didier L

i m signing to protect wildlife and safety dignité of animal to have the rigth living in thé name of sacréd life

1 week ago
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Cl Z

I am signing because this mass hunting has to stop because the earth is screaming literally and if we keep damaging the earth we will lose everything

3 weeks ago
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Jane G

Disgusting cruelty

1 month ago
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Laurena J

These animals are intelligent and important to the ocean’s echology!

1 month ago
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Veronique P

why why keep doing this. primitive, short sighted. so backward. shame on the gov. which allows this massacre.

1 month ago
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Reverend Ian G

the destruction our innovent wikdlife is both inhumane and shameful.

1 month ago
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Hildegard B

...... weil es sowas Grausames an so wundervollen, intelligenten Lebewesen nicht geben darf. Das ist barbarisch und widerwärtig..... und das nennt sic…

1 month ago
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Gerrie S

it is cruel and despicable

1 month ago
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Courtney C

Cetaceans are highly intelligent and social animals. Their society and familial structures are surprisingly much like our own. The tradition of whale…

1 month ago
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Robert L

This inevitably hurts the entire food chain in the ocean

1 month ago
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Diana L

Diana Lopatto

2 months ago
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Nan M

abusers of our fragile environment need limits and education and a replacement income.

2 months ago
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Jacqueline A

This is Disgusting!!!!!!! So, Illegal!!! i ‘ve signed other petitions to Stop this!!

2 months ago
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Mary H

outrageous unnecessary cruelty to intelligent mamals !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 months ago
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Janet B

this barbaric slaughter has to end ! if humans are to survive we need our oceans and inhabitants .

2 months ago
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Rhonda P

Practice is unnecessary.

2 months ago
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Sue C

I think that the people who do this have no intelligence . . . or FEELINGS!!! WISE UP FOLKS.

2 months ago
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Jenny W

this practice is extremely unethical & ridiculous to be continuing in this day & age when we're trying to teach appreciation & protection of the envir…

2 months ago
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Huyen P

Stop the Cruel Dolphin and Whale Hunts in the Faroe Islands

2 months ago
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vi p

stop cruelty

2 months ago
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Deirdre G

Disgusting and inhumane needs to be stopped!!

2 months ago
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Sophie L

I am signing because our planet already have had enough. We need to stop hurting other creatures.

3 months ago
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Ian O

I believe we can do better than this. Brutal!

3 months ago
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