
Protect the Ocean by Supporting the High Seas Treaty

199,284 signatures. Let’s get to 225K
The bottlenose dolphin is a common sight in coastal waters around the world, but it also maintains large populations offshore · Jorge Cervera Hauser
From the biggest and smallest marine species to humans all over the globe, all life depends on healthy High Seas now and into the future · Jorge Cervera Hauser
Rare sea lions are among the tens of species at risk of being injured or killed by these huge driftnets · Howard Hall
Shawn Heinrichs
Howard Hall
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Raphaël E

these waters belong to none and thus are the responsability of all

1 week ago
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Dagmar H

I would like to know that our oceans are protected from careless treatment meted out by so-called human beings. it is high time we acknowledged how p…

1 week ago
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Cl Z

I am signing because of the mass hunting we will lose everything

2 weeks ago
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Michelle L

We are taking more from our planet than we are giving back and killing entire ecosystems and ourselves. We need our oceans more that me know

1 month ago
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Courtney C

A healthy ocean is a healthy future for us and all the wildlife we share it with. We have an obligation to be stewards of our home. Let's do better an…

1 month ago
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Meena S

i want to help protect the High Seas and keep the Earth healthy!

1 month ago
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Kina C

Humans have a moral duty to protect this beautiful planet that sustains all life.

1 month ago
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Samuel S

the world lives off the waters, nothing will be left after the water is faltered

1 month ago
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Lori W

we are destroying our planet and we all need to help

1 month ago
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Rachel E

The ocean is more important than we know. There is no planet B.

1 month ago
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Daniel Hermand Daniel H

La pêche pour nourrir des fermes aquatiques ou pourr nourriture au vaches. Non

1 month ago
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Scott F

This is a critical step in ocean conservation.

2 months ago
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Géraldine M

Protégeons notre environnement et nos animaux avant tout

2 months ago
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Nan M

there is no planet B

2 months ago
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Amy G

protect all God's creatures a day waters, forests, land....

2 months ago
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Corinne L

j adore les dauphins

2 months ago
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Geneviève P

Je signe car il est VITAL de protéger les océans .

2 months ago
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marie jodé E

nous mangeons le poisson les crustacés qui eux a leur tour mangent ou filtre des cochonneries que nous hommes semons sur terre et qui par les infiltra…

2 months ago
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Lisa P

The high seas need protection because if their biodiversity and the important ecological role they play. This action for international cooperation is…

3 months ago
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Michael W

we all connected

3 months ago
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Christelle L

i love my planete

3 months ago
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Paddy C

Urgent action is needed to save our oceans and I am happy to be part of this petition to raise awareness of the unbelievable distruction happening out…

3 months ago
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Oana A

je signe parce qu’on doit sauver les oceans ainsi que ces animaux marins

3 months ago
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Anessa B

The ocean needs a representative to fight for them and I am one of them. Every human should be taught the importance of the ocean and it's roll in kee…

4 months ago
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cindy c

please protect our oceans and ocean life

4 months ago
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