
Demand a Strong Global Plastics Treaty

238,565 signatures. Let’s get to 250K
Plastic products, including fishing nets and line, often kill marine species · Shane Gross
The plastics crisis is a truly global issue · Shawn Heinrichs
Plastics manufacturing impacts the most vulnerable and least culpable people and communities · Goldman Environmental Prize
Without action, by 2050, there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish · Cristina Mittermeier
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Nancy Jean R

the situation is disgraceful threatening all life on this planet.

4 days ago
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Jacqueline C

I see Plastic trash everywhere! it needs to stop!!! Recycling isn't enough!

1 week ago
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Raphaël E

all researchs done on plastics shows they have a negative impact on both environment and human health

1 week ago
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I love the earth, and I want to have a future here on it

3 weeks ago
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Sarah K

I voluntarily pick up all the litter in my neighborhood, the amount is unbelievable>:(

1 month ago
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Odd K

I want to hinder the poisioning of humans and pollution of nature!

1 month ago
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Shaun A

this matters to me!

1 month ago
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Michelle W

if you have kids or grandkids you should care about this.

1 month ago
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Jane R

i love our earth

1 month ago
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Erin M

of the health of our planet and all of us.

2 months ago
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Stacie P

Stacie Pruitt

2 months ago
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Beatrijs v

I hope we can preserve our ocean so our children can also enjoy the beauty

2 months ago
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Susan H

im concerned about how much plastin is in our oceans

2 months ago
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Seema S

I don't need to reiterate how awful plastic is for the environment and for our own health. The fact that corporations have made this the consumer's pr…

3 months ago
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Rachel C

There is no reason I can find to not support this effort. Why would we not want to eliminate plastics? How can we not see the pollution damage they ar…

3 months ago
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Olivia M

I am signing this petition to urge world leaders to protect our the future of oceanic life and our Earth's climate by creating stricter regulations on…

3 months ago
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Megha M

our need to consume plastic needs to stop, this living in ignorance needs go stop. filling landfills and oceans with water needs go stop. there is e…

3 months ago
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Robin N

We can easily solve the problem of plastic. Let's do it.

3 months ago
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David M

i believe we meed to clean up the ocean from plastic amd reduce or end plastic use!

3 months ago
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Marilyn S

Plastics are destroying the Earth and all life.

3 months ago
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Jacob J

I am a sailing instructor and diver. I am apalled by the amount of trash I pick up daily. So sad, we need to do better!

3 months ago
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Molly F

I live in a coastal community in maryland , right off the Chesapeake bay. We are right on the water and plastics wash ashore all the time, birds also…

3 months ago
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Reuben D

plastic is devastating to the remaining animal population on the planet.

3 months ago
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Ken_ H

We must stop this terrible destruction

3 months ago
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Sushree T

plastics are suffocating our planets. Something needs to be done otherwise we will never be able to go back to a normal healthy life.

3 months ago
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