Three Reasons Why the Faroe Islands Dolphin Hunt Must Stop

Even though more than 294,000 people signed our petition to stop the Faroese dolphin hunts, some defenders still think the practice should be left alone. Keep reading to understand the beliefs that allow this gruesome practice to continue.

Image © Anonymous

Image © Anonymous

I am having a difficult time finding the right words to describe the pain and helplessness that I’m going through after the primitive, coldhearted, and completely unacceptable massacre of more than 1,400 dolphins in the Faroe Islands on September 12, 2021. Many other Faroe Islanders share my sentiments. At this point, the slaughter is no longer a cultural tradition. It has become a blood sport, plain and simple.
Silent pollution of the oceans will one day end up on the dinner table in some communities, and our children are paying the price.
Sustainability means more than just the question of the conservation status of a species and whether it can be hunted without threatening the local population or the species. When a hunt turns greedy and gluttonous it has lost all right to be called sustainable.