Exciting updates are coming to our Only One impact plans.

We’re thrilled to announce some upcoming changes to our membership. Starting July 1, our impact plans will include funding important ocean advocacy campaigns to help propel them to victory! Read our article to find out more.

Only One created our membership to make it easy for people everywhere to fund impactful ocean and climate projects in one place. Together, we’ve achieved big milestones: planting over four million trees and 100,000 corals, stopping 200,000 kilograms of plastic from entering the ocean, and cutting carbon emissions by 15,000 tonnes through ecosystem protection.

Now in our fourth year, Only One is more dedicated than ever to tackling ocean issues head-on and making it simple for everyone to get involved. As our community of action-takers grow and we ramp up our advocacy campaigns with new and longtime partners, our goal is to empower members to make the most powerful impact possible.

Keep reading to learn more about our updated impact plans! 👇


Starting July 1, our impact plans will also include funding important ocean advocacy campaigns to help propel them to victory.

In today’s world, it’s vital for us to speak out on issues we deeply care about — and at Only One, our mission is to unite a global community dedicated to advocating for the ocean. Since our inception in 2020, we’ve partnered with over 65 organizations to make strides in establishing marine sanctuaries, combating shark finning, enacting plastics legislation, supporting developing countries in addressing climate change, and more — with community backing and action at the heart of these campaigns.

Now, Only One members’ contributions will do even more for people and the planet by funding campaigns that hold decision-makers accountable and advocate for laws protecting our ocean. Each campaign they support will be tracked on their profile for full visibility, just like the projects they fund, with 100% of donations going directly to impact, as always.

In the first month of our updated plans, member funds will enable crucial efforts with our frontline partners to tackle toxic pollution and oppose petrochemical projects that produce plastics harmful to marine ecosystems. In the coming months, additional campaign contributions will support national marine protections and a ban on bottom trawling, one of the most harmful fishing practices worldwide.


To make space for advocacy campaigns, we’re slightly reducing the amounts of mangroves and corals planted, as well as plastic removed, per plan each month.

Transparency is key for us — we meticulously track every cent members contribute to individual impact units. This commitment remains unchanged as we integrate campaigns into our membership. Equally important, we’re dedicated to keeping all our plans — Starter, Steward, Hero, and Legend — affordable. These adjustments, which slightly reduce mangrove and coral planting, and plastic removal per plan each month, allow us to maintain current plan costs while continuing to partner with the most impactful ocean projects.


We’ve decided to streamline our plans by removing carbon reduction as a separate category — but every member will still fund projects tackling the climate crisis.

While there’s a lot of good work happening to curb carbon emissions and uplift communities by halting deforestation, we’ve decided to remove this category from our membership starting July 1 to focus on expanding our other impact areas: mangrove and coral planting, plastic removal, and advocacy campaigns.

Members who’ve supported carbon reduction projects so far will still see this impact on their profiles. Moving forward, all members will continue to fund crucial projects that reduce carbon emissions and address climate change — such as restoring mangrove forests, which store up to four times more carbon than terrestrial trees!

Check out our latest project with the Bahamas Mangrove Alliance to see how members will continue supporting carbon sequestration.


We’re updating our member profile with more frequent, bite-sized updates on projects and campaigns.

In a recent survey, we asked members what they wanted more of in Only One’s impact plans, and updates emerged as the top request. Starting next week, members will receive bite-sized stories directly in their profile. 🙌 These updates will feature campaign news and behind-the-scenes glimpses of projects, showing real-time impact and offering more opportunities to engage with others in our community.

That’s all for now!

We’re incredibly grateful to our project and campaign partners and look forward to expanding these collaborations in the months and years ahead, offering more opportunities for action and sharing inspiring progress stories. And we’re deeply thankful for our growing global community of members who support a healthier ocean for the future. We couldn’t do this without you!

If you have any questions about the updates we’re making to Only One’s membership on July 1, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

10 free trees if you sign up today

Save the planet every month with our membership

Grow your own forests and reefs

Remove plastic and carbon pollution

See your impact in a personal dashboard

Invite friends to plant with you

100% of funds go to projects