Inspired to help? Here’s what you can do.
Join thousands around the world in urging the U.S. Congress to stop plastic pollution and improve the waste management system by supporting the BFFPPA.
The end of the plastic pollution story is only the beginning. Plastic pollutes across the entire plastics lifecycle, and a global movement is rising up for justice.
Join thousands around the world in urging the U.S. Congress to stop plastic pollution and improve the waste management system by supporting the BFFPPA.
Zero Waste Ukraine: @zwaukraine Center For Coalfield Justice: @coalfldjustice Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services (Tejas): @tejashtx Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives: @gaiaus_can @africaforzerowaste @zerowasteasia Groundwork South Africa: Chintan: @chintan.india Bahamas Plastic Movement: @bahamasplasticmovement Peak Plastic Foundation: @peakplastic