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Tell the US Environmental Protection Agency: Protect Communities from Petrochemical Pollution

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What you need to know

On April 26, 2023, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed powerful new regulations to reduce toxic petrochemical pollution. We now have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to help make these rules as strong as possible. Here’s why this matters:

  • Petrochemicals, including plastics, are made from fossil fuels.

  • Petrochemical facilities are energy-intensive and dump an enormous amount of harmful air pollutants, including carbon, into the air.

  • These pollutants have catastrophic effects on people’s health and contribute to climate change.

Today, more than 7 million people who live near chemical plants face serious cancer risk from uncontrolled toxic air emissions — the majority of the worst affected are Black and Brown residents, a story of environmental racism we see unfolding every day in Louisiana and Texas.

Right now, the EPA is hosting a 60-day public comment period that ends June 26, 2023, where people are invited to share their opinions to help shape the final regulation before it’s announced in March 2024.

To get a strong final rule, we must add our voices to the process — sharing our personal stories and concerns about the impact of deadly air pollution. It’s critical we tell decision-makers that there is no “acceptable” threshold of cancer risk to fenceline communities, that we must use all available air pollution control technologies to keep these communities safe, and that the strongest possible regulations are required to tackle climate change.

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The Campaign: Explained

Pennsylvania, United States

The proposed rule (Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2022–0730) is intended to address the devastating impacts of chemical manufacturing pollution on nearby communities — but without public action, there is a very real risk that the final regulations will not be strong enough.

For these fenceline communities, petrochemical facilities are directly linked with dramatically increased risks of cancer and detrimental effects on health and well-being. The new regulations would crack down on toxic air emissions from over 200 chemical manufacturing plants across the US, most of which are concentrated in Louisiana, Texas, and the Ohio River Valley.

The map below shows 227 high risk chemical facilities across the United States that would be affected by these new regulations.

Source: Chemical Sector Facilities. March 30, 2023. Provided by FracTracker Alliance on Data: US EPA.

Recent decades have seen the release of hazardous air pollutants rise dramatically as a result of increased plastic production by these petrochemical facilities. The proposed rule recognizes these dangers and seeks to reduce the release of these hazardous air pollutants generated during the manufacturing processes.

Imposing stricter regulations is critical in order to mitigate the disproportionate effects faced by fenceline communities — who suffer from increased rates of respiratory problems, cancers, and other adverse health impacts due to prolonged exposure to pollutants.

To address these challenges, the proposed rule mandates that affected facilities adopt many of the available pollution control technologies and practices. By doing so, the rule aims to minimize emissions and enhance environmental protection. Emission limits are set for various hazardous air pollutants, ensuring that the release of these harmful substances is significantly reduced.

Texas, United States

However, the rule does not mandate the use of all available technologies to monitor and correct chemical leaks — an oversight that must be corrected in the final rule, in order to truly protect America’s most vulnerable populations.

Additionally, the proposed rule requires facilities to implement comprehensive monitoring and reporting systems. This ensures that emissions are accurately measured and reported, allowing for effective enforcement and accountability. This measure is designed to not only safeguard the health of frontline communities but also promote cleaner air and a healthier environment for all.

The proposed rule also considers the economic implications of these regulations. It outlines the anticipated costs and benefits associated with the implementation of the rule. While the industry may face certain compliance costs, the benefits to public health and the environment outweigh these expenses.

By reducing the health risks faced by frontline communities and improving air quality, the proposed rule strives to create long-term benefits for society as a whole.

See what others are saying
Sandra B
Thomas S
Kathryn M
Heiko M
Cedric G
Alexandre C

I'm shocked at the immense harm petrochemical pollution has caused to communities living nearby. To tackle this, the final rule must include stricter…

Ben W

TestTestTestTest TestTestTestTest

Eva Marie H

I live in Sacramento where I work remotely as a report editor for a private investigation firm. I spend my free time hiking, backpacking, biking, read…

Jane M

Dear EPA Please do your job. We're counting on you to protect us from greedy companies. My grandkids have to live in this world and you can help keep…

Nicole L

I am a mother of two young children. The state of the environment and what their future will look like keeps me up at night. You have the power to beg…

Ian W

Ian I live and work in Brooklyn ny, I’m a manufacturer. Its time to stop pollution! We all need to be accountable!

Julia F

My name is Julia, and I'm a dental assistant in SWMO. I'm 28 with an 8 year old son, Elyjah. He is bright. My name is Julia, and I'm a dental assista…

Frank R

I live in San Diego. I’m a Marine Corps veteran and electromechanical technician. I’m currently studying Physics at the University of California San D…

John P

I live in Miami, Florida... I work in software tech. I was a chemical engineer for years, and I've see first-hand how extreme the toxic waste from ch…

Rosie N

I live in England, working in animal rescue and rehabilitation. I have seen first hand what the damage we have done to our environment has caused, and…

Tracy C

I live in New York I care about this because everyday we break a record for climate change and I’m sick of it

Benedicte L

I am a student from Norway My grandmother has cancer and I think it is horrific that people have an increased risk of cancer because of where they li…

Walt K

My name is Walt, i’m an actor based in Amsterdam My growing concern is for the fact of dehuminizing our extince to relie more and more on chemical su…

Sharon B

I am a retired educator, who taught pre-school-high school for 37 years. I care about our environment because when all the air, land and water are…

Renee B

I am a retiree in Iowa I implore you to take immediate action to address the ongoing issue of petrochemical pollution, which contributes to climate c…

Cheryl Z

I am a retired citizen residing in Virginia. I implore you to take immediate action to stop polluting our air! This is effecting whole communities an…

Juliana A

My name is Juliana and I’m a student at Pitman High School in turlock California, I live with my mom and brother. Pollution increases the risk of can…

dylan s

My name is Darby and I live in Texas. I care about this because I'm young. At the rate we're at, I and many others won't get to live long enough to l…

Hayley H

I live in Florida Pollution is causing global warming which has devastated our earth. Please save our planet for the next generation.

Glenda J O

I live in Alexandria Kentucky near Cincinatti Ohio. Recently in Ohio we had a petrochemical spill from a train accident. Please protect our communiti…

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