Shell, a notorious global oil giant, has just turned on Pennsylvania’s largest industrial project since World War II. The pollution from this new complex — which converts oil into single-use plastic products — could threaten Beaver County residents’ health, environment, and entire way of life. We have officially launched a campaign with BCMAC and Eyes on Shell — a rapidly growing group from Beaver County — to fight back. They’re asking Shell to commit to a six-point list that would help ensure accountability and protect the surrounding community, but so far the company has not taken a single meaningful measure to address local concerns or prepare residents in the event of a disaster. We hope you’ll stand with Beaver County, and all those who live under the shadow of this toxic industry by adding your name to hold Shell accountable. If we don’t support these local initiatives today — tomorrow, it could be your own backyard.
We just launched new campaign against the petrochemical industry
Trevor Jones
Trevor Jones