Salmon: Critical barometers of climate change

Salmon can tell us a lot about the progression of climate change, and if we heed the warnings, they can play a role in slowing it down. A unique art installation at COP26 could help spark a new wave of support.

Image © Ben Etridge Photography

Image © Ben Etridge Photography

Paul Nicklen
Paul Nicklen
Hatching salmon eggs · Paul Nicklen
Salmon in British Columbia · Cristina Mittermeier
Paul Nicklen
Ben Etridge Photography
As wild salmon are threatened, so are we. It is a humbling experience to see Salmon School featured in such a significant global setting, but the movement to save Atlantic and Pacific salmon is so much bigger than any single sculpture or event. Salmon School is inspired by the plight of wild salmon and steelhead of the Upper Skagit River, near my home. It’s inspired by the cleanup and restoration of the River Clyde in Glasgow, where salmon have returned, just outside the walls of the COP26 conference center. And it’s inspired by similar people and communities everywhere who are facing climate change.
Joseph Rossano
Artist & Salmon School Founder
Ben Etridge Photography
Ben Etridge Photography
Ben Etridge Photography

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